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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-04-04 19:18:31
Series 2 is traumatic...

Specially the Women's Lib episode.  Tim and Graeme groping a miscellaneous blonde is bad enough - but Graeme getting it on with a computer??!?!!??!!???  I was very jealous.  erm.  Traumatised, I mean.

And surely there have got to be some laws against riding Tim and whipping him on a 'kids's show'??!!!!?!?!


Had a fantastic night with Peej last night.  We went to Toys R Us cos I was looking for a skipping rope or even better, a skip-it.  Dunno if you remember them, but about fifteen years ago they were all the craze.  I was dead good at it - the one and only athletic thing I've ever been any cop at.

Basically it's a piece of rope type thing, with a loop on one end that you stick on your ankle.  Then on the other end there's like some sort of a ball with a bell or a counter or something in, and you sort of twizzle the rope round your ankles and jump over the rope with the other leg as it comes round so you don't trip over.  It's dead difficult, but I totally rocked at it.  No, really, I did - I got up to a thousand skips once!!  That's gotta be some sort of a record!!  Anyway, we found one, but it was in a set and it cost £20!!  (approx.  $300000 AUS)  We decided not to invest in it, but we were doing the skip-it actions for a while in the middle of the shop, which was very amusing!!

We went shopping for our tea at Sainsbury's as well, then came home & watche The Goodies.  We bought a coupla t-shirts and some fabric paint so we're making our very own "I'm A Goody" t-shirts.  Mine's gonna be purple & yellow a la Bill (they didn't have any orangey t-shirts a la Graybags!) and Peej's is gonna be Blue and Green a la Timbo  - but hers is gonna say "I'm A Teapot"!

We rock.

We watched loads of Goodies episodes.  Just got series 2, 3, 9 and the specials.  Watched Superstar last night.  I am still scared.  Bill in that... thing he wore on stage at Top of the Pops.  I don't think I'll ever recover.  I was truly truly scared.

I can't stand it.  Started watching The Goodies Rule - OK and had to give up after Wild Thing cos I was so tired. 

I wrote to Timbo last night!!!!!!!!

It's true.  I've been having so much trouble locating a copy of Land of Hope and Glory, I wrote to him detailing my plans for world domi - er, my priate radio station and my trouble in having LOHAG to make my speeches more weighty and empowering.

He'll either a) decide I am just another loony and completely ignore me or b) write back and ask if he could join my parliament!!!!!

I've told him that if he plays his cards right there's an OBE in it for him!!!!!!  I know how to get people on side.  Woimen - men in tight trousers, men - women in tight trousers.  Tim - an OBE.

*sigh* I rule.

Well, I will.

Anyway, am going to ask my chum up in Motherwell if I can visit her for a copule of days at the end of April as I've been told I must take a week off then. 

I got a letter from the Manchester Childrens Hospital today saying they want to interview me next Wednesday for the secretary job at the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good god I'm so popular!!!!

Am gonna go for it.  More money.  Haven't started the Estates and Facilities thing yet.  You never know, they may want me there.  And if I do get a job in Manchester it'll make me HAVING to move house  a much more feasible idea.  I'm a genius....

Don't fancy working in Manchester because I hate mancunians, but never mind.  Money!!!!!! 

I hate children too.  Dunno why I'm going for it.  Never mind.

Mood - Much happier than yesterday
Music - Wild Thing (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!)
Edited - Never

What do you mean you hate children???  What about that really cute one we saw at skipping ropes in Toys R Us????? Awwwwwwwww.

Hey when you rule the world can we blow up Azimuth print, re organise the post office again and blow up my letchy lecturer? oh and half my business group?

They're doing my head in, not replying to me and causing so much stress that I want to blow loads of money I don't have on clothes!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 04/04/2006 20:34 GMT
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