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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-04-03 21:19:42
I'm pining for the fjords!!!

I am in love with Norway.  It is the most beautiful country I have ever seen.  I've not seen many countries, admittedly, but Norway is so beautiful I want to marry it!!!!!!!

Had a brilliant time.  It was quite expensive, but not as expensive, or maybe on a par as expensive as London. Stayed in the most beautiful hotel ever.  The food was delicious.  The people were wonderful.  I just can't say enough how much I love it there.

I'm going back in August I think.  With Clayre.  We had a really groovy time and we laughed practically non-stop.  We were particularly amazed that we could walk the streets after dark and not be even a little afraid.

Got home and World War Three had broken out.  Bang goes my relaxed frame of mind.  Basically mum had a basal cell carcinoma removed on Friday.  She's fine but she's been really nervous and hitting the bottle even harder than usual (and from a woman who averages a bottle of whisky a day I think you'll get the idea!!!).  She found out on Sunday that my cousin had run off with my other cousin's wife.  She's devastated.  We are all quite upset about it because we love our David to bits and we can't really stand our Alan.  He's just a bit of a knob.  As we now know.

So she got absolutely shitfaced yesterday to block everything out.  Now, when mum gets drunk (most days), she becomes VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY annoying.  So annoying you want to scream at her.

Our  Joanna (my sister, who incidentally I am forever being told I should be more like, even though she's a rotten person to live with and she's got a really nasty violent streak, but she cooks and cleans so what does anything else matter?!) was trying to cook the tea that night, mum kept trying to help her and got on her nerves.  One minute mum was just being annoying, the next minute she was crumpled on her bed, crying in agony because Joanna had hit her.  I think she broke her finger, it looked awful it was right out of shape.

You know what happened?  MUM APOLOGISED TO JOANNA.

It's pathetic.  I buy a fucking record and I'm the world's worst.  Joanna runs riot over our house and beats the shit out of my mum and she gets bloody well THANKED for it.

She makes me sick.  I'm not going home tonight for a good few hours until she's in bed.  I've got nothing I want to say to her any more.  I think she's pathetic.  I know it's awful to say that to your sister but I've had enough of her being like she is and DEMANDING repsect form all of us.

Respect her?  I don't even like her.

So my nerves are now as taut as they were before I went away.  Great.  I can't bloody stand it.

Not all bad news, mind you.  I've been on my diet for one week and I've lost five pounds!!!!!  Not just in cash, either!!!!!

Sent off me occupational health and criminal record check thing to me new job today.  Faxed AND posted it so they've definitely got it.

Was told by my boss (who's now back after Tuesday's fiasco!) that I HAVE to take a holiday on week beginning 24th April.  It's bloody ridiculous.  They're making me stay off cos they've got someone they like more who's coming in for a week or so.  I hate this place they're just so fucking childish and pathetic.

By then I should hopefully be in my lovely new job with people who are straight with you and people who don't <expletive deleted> you about with wages, hours, and god knows what.

And to make matters even worse I had a dream about Tim last night.  One of THOSE dreams!!!  I was so freaked out!!!!! 

Still feel maternal about him, mind you.  Nothing's changed, no matter HOW great it was (and good golly it really really was!!  Ahem.)

Oh it could be worse, I suppose.  Sorry for continually whinging on this thing!!!

Mood - Really annoyed.
Music - Not a ping.
Edited - Never


Welldone on diet dude- I'm really fluffed about what we're gonna eat tonight but we'll get someat sorted!

I can't believe you deleted the last expletive lol!  Tonight we can watch Goodies and chill out so you'll feel a lot better when you go home.

See ya late dude and think of that Scoutrageous Graeme!  That should be a prescription really!

Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 03/04/2006 22:10 GMT
*unasked for advice*

Get the hell outta that house, girl.  I'm sorry, I know I'm shoving my nose in where it shouldn't be, but holy hell I could've written that myself a couple of years ago.  It's a toxic environment and it will **** with your head.  There's no living with drunks, it's easier to negotiate with bloody five year olds, at least you know they'll eventually GROW UP.

There's this strange Enid Blyton idea that families are supposed to love each other, and being together and killing each other is better than being apart and emotionally stable.  Hmm.
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 04/04/2006 06:20 GMT
You lucky duck -  A Tim dream - would just about make up for all the other sh!t you have to put up with. *sigh*
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 04/04/2006 17:50 GMT
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