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nezangel's Journal
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2006-03-29 23:52:45
What lays on the bottom of the ocean & shakes...
...a nervous wreck - or in other words, ME!!
The play starts tomorrow evening - we've not practiced on the actual stage (which is MUCH larger than the hall we've been rehearsing in) except yesterday when we had a technical rehearsal - which basically means setting up lighting & cues so it wasn't a rehearsal for actors at all, we just stood around & went where they placed us - the technical lot treat you like cattle & we were there for 5 hours - 5 bloody hours!!  I didn't get home til ten to midnight for crying out loud!!  They didn't warn us they'd be pissing about for that long either so I was extremely vexed by the time I walked out of there.  We have a dress rehearsal tonight & then that's it - tomorrow it begins!!  AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!
At least i'm still eating but I have this humongous knot in my stomach.  I only hope we do ok tonight otherwise I'll be physically shaking tomorrow night.  Anyway, enough about the play already oi vay ( )

I'm going to try and get tickets for either the Birmingham or Bristol ISIHAC recordings - I know Bristol went on sale today but I'm waiting for my friend to get back to me on which recording she can make.  I can't go to the Halifax one as i'm away.  They're not exactly well placed for me either as although I'm a northerner, I live down in Tunbridge Wells so it's a bugger getting to any of them.  Well I'll have to go to one - I loved it when they came to Tunbridge Wells in December 2004 - that was the first time I met Graeme & Tim (I met them & Bill again a few months later when the second DVD was launched) - I was ever so silly & giggly but they were adorable (as were Humph & Jack Dee as well) & the show was damn funny too (as per usual of course), anyway, if I get any tickets I'm sure I'll be mentioning the fact to everyone including my journal.
Anyway, I should get on with some work,

nezangel xxx

Mood - Nervous as Hell!!!!!
Music - Erasure - Blue Savannah
Edited - Never

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