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daftbird's Journal
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2006-03-28 12:24:36
things can only get better
woh woh woh woh woh woh woh (having a howard jones moment).

Well the week started ominiously(spelling?) .First thing monday morning stepped out of the front door and on to a orangey coloured and decidedly squishy dog turd.The exact type that sticks right in every ripple of your shoe. As i didn't wish to pelt my good shoe,had to resort to cleaning it with an old toothbrush.Oh it makes you feel crook in the guts just thinking about it. And what the hell were they feeding that dog -jaffas?? It was very odd coloured dog bog. I know what i would feed that hound,coming and doing his business on my lawn-curse him!

So it's tuesday and hopefully the week will pick up a bit. And i won't pick up another unwanted passenger on the sole of my shoe. i hate that thing.

Mood - quite silly,actually
Music - under pressure-queen & david bowie
Edited - Never

Oh God I think I'm gonna hurle.  I can stomach many things but dog sh!t is not one of them (and I don't think I will ever look at jaffas the same way again)
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 29/03/2006 19:31 GMT
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