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peteb's Journal
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2006-03-24 06:22:04
Lazy weeks
Honestly, you'd think that we were still at school and having our end of term wind down! Been to a couple of lectures this week and the lecturers have said 'You've got all you need... Does anyone have questions on the module?' It's like the final week of school and we were all supposed to take games in instead of academic learning!

I'm not complaining but the build up has been terrible and it feels a let down to have them being like this!

But Pete, what have you been up to the last few days, I hear you ask.

I worked for the uni on Monday helping out with 16/17 years olds who were on a taster day to see what uni life is like. It was quite fun but made me feel REALLY old!!!

Monday night we went out for a English Group night out. Basically it was everyone in my English class going out and getting really drunk. Out of 21 people only 15 turned up and out of that 15 only 6 of us made it to 'Samantha's Discotheque for Dancing' or Sam's as its known here.
I ended up dancing with people from my group and a first year student who was dressed up like a kid from 'Fame' (Leg-warmers, sweatbands, the lot).
I got home at 3 after walking said first year home (she lives in the hall next to my house... and no funny business went on!!!)

Managed to crawl out of bed to see in midday on Tuesday and then went back to bed for a sleep from about 6 til 7. My first afternoon nap in a loooooooong time! Because of this I didn't sleep till 3.30am on Wednesday morning and I had to be up at 8.30 for a lecture.

Wednesday... A lecture on bullying and then 2 hours off then a lecture on a trip to a borough of London that I'm not going to go on. Spent the rest of the day playing Mortal Kombat Deception.

Which leads me to today. Had a great lecture on poetry and I had to read out If by Rudyard Kipling. It's a great poem!

Now all I have to do is start an essay on Raymond Briggs. It's due in next week but I want to get it done ASAP.

Phew! I think this has been my longest entry so far. If you're scan reading this DON'T! It's ALL Very interseting!!

Mood - Vented
Music - Wrong Number by The Cure
Edited - Never

Going out boozing?!  Is this how you squander my taxes?!!?!?!?

I'm impressed.
Posted by:Not_A_Megalomaniac

Not_A_Megalomaniac WWW 

date: 25/03/2006 01:35 GMT
I smoke too!

Still impressed?
Posted by:peteb


date: 25/03/2006 01:37 GMT
Only if it's Embassy No 1s and only if you insist on buying packs of 20 instead of the crappy cheapo packs of 10 that only last five minutes.

... er... spoken like the true non-smoker I am!!!
Posted by:Not_A_Megalomaniac

Not_A_Megalomaniac WWW 

date: 25/03/2006 01:49 GMT
Sorry, it's B&H all the way for me and I buy them 100 at a time because it is cheaper and I don't have to go to the shops as often!

Spoken like the lazy student I am!!!

What is the point of 10 packs? - B&H are doing 14 packs now!
Posted by:peteb


date: 25/03/2006 02:09 GMT
100 at a time? Fast track your way to poor health-that's a boy!Spoken like the niece who lost 2 uncles to cancer .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 26/03/2006 18:43 GMT
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