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nezangel's Journal
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2006-03-23 21:33:07
While the boss is away...
Well i'm a little cheerier today, firstly my cold is getting better & i can actually breathe now and secondly the boss is on a course for 2 days - partay!!  I think the fact that the sun is shining & there's hardly a cloud in the sky has cheered me up too (although it's still bloody freezing!!)
I'm a bit knackered today though as I went to my friends house last night after rehearsal & she has a playstation 2 (or the Temptress as we call it) so I ended up playing Buzz for hours & not getting home til late still it's nearly the weekend, I can have a lie in then 

I've been thinking (I know - unheard of!) and I'm sure I remember reading early last year something about the next DVD coming out around this time & yet there's not a dickie bird - I wonder what's going on - maybe I should ask in the forums - zaphod or lisa are bound to know.  I'm just worried it's been asked & discussed before & i've missed it.

I was pleased a Red Dwarf topic came up in the forums although it seems to have been taken over by talking about the Office & american shows, still it's nice to know there's some other dwarfers on the site.  I love the show, especially Rimmer.

Well I won't go on about it too much as I have done in the past but it's a week til the first night of the play & our rehersal last night was the worst we've done - true some people weren't feeling well but it does not bode well - i'm scared!!

Anyway, I suppose I should do some work, even though the boss isn't here he's left me plenty of crap to deal with!!

Cheery bye,
nezangel x

Mood - Not bad
Music - Martin L Gore - Counterfeit album
Edited - Never

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