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daftbird's Journal
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2006-03-23 17:33:09
doctor dolittle
This comes under the category of things that annoy.Recently my ex-husband got crook at work-dizzy spell and all.Had to go have a whole lot of tests,brain scan and who knows what else.It did ascertain that there was one there(which i was never quite sure of,to be honest  ) ,but shed no light on the cause of the problem. I questioned him about it-bearing in mind that he's carrying an extra 20 kilos (which some people mightn't think is extreme -but to put it in perspective is a third of my body weight) WOULDN'T YA THINK that they's ask him about his diet-what he eats,what he drinks,does he exercise??? No,none of the doctors he saw asked him anything of that nature.A couple of days later it happened again.I questioned him thoroughly and it seems that previous to both episodes he'd had a particular kind of sugary orange juice.Probably spiked his blood sugar,it dropped and he got dizzy.i told him to wake up to himself and clean up his diet and quit it with the fatty and sugary foods. What hope has anyone got if a doctor won't even ask the right questions??? Someone's got eczema?-here's a prescription for some cream(yes,but what's CAUSING IT???).Thankfully there are SOME good ones out there but the rest need to lift their game-bandaid treatment isn't good enough.

Mood - a bit hungry
Music - cigarettes will kill you-ben lee
Edited -

You have just stated what is wrong with the whole health system.  No one has any time to do their job properly - bandaid treatment is exactly right.  I hope your ex is going to be OK.
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 28/03/2006 11:11 GMT
yeah,he's the type that you couldn't kill with a meat-axe (even though i must say the thought was tempting in the past   .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 28/03/2006 12:00 GMT
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