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nezangel's Journal
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2006-03-23 02:18:26
Head Cold Blues
It's official - i'm bloody well annoyed, I mean how long can a bloody cold bloody last?  I've had this since Friday & I'm ready to commit murder - I can't breathe & that makes me highly irritable & tetchy (yes, even more than usual!!)
My nose is so red I look like Peter Schmeichel, my eyes are streaming - I mean it's really attactive - NOT, even my boss took one look at me this morning and said "ooh, you're not well are you?" - of course my reply should have been "no, i'm bloody well not so why don't you send me home" but no, I've got no sympathy from that quarter - and it's his fault I've got it as he had it a week or so ago - he even took half a day with it (& he never takes time off normally).  Anyway, i'm soldiering on but counting the minutes til I can escape the office.
Anyway, rant over (for now), I'm getting more and more worried about the play next week - we have a rehearsal of a couple of the plays within Canterbury Tales tonight (we rehearsed the 1st act last night) but we've only got a week and a day left & i know there's only one full costume rehearsal planned - that's scary as a lot of people have only a few minutes to change costumes so practice would be handy.  Just realised I've moved from one rant to another, I am trying my hardest to be cheerful but I seem to be failing abysmally
I think i need to watch some Goodies episodes - it's a while since i have, must be 2 weeks or more - that's the problem - i'm suffering from Goodie withdrawal syndrome - i'll be cheered up no end if i just watch a couple of episodes, I quite fancy Lighthouse Keeping Loonies after people have been mentioning it in the forums lately, i haven't seen that in ages - I love the bit where Bill goes mental with everything being round & the Jolly Rock song is fabulous!!
Anyway, I suppose I should type up the radiator schedule that's been dumped on my desk - it's so fascinating working for plumbers!! 

nezangel xxx

Mood - Ooh I'm cross
Music - Savage Garden - Affirmation
Edited - Never

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