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peteb's Journal
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2006-03-20 04:12:54
Lazy Weekends?
It is now Sunday and I have spent the weekend researching essays etc. Would love to say I've been drinking too much, but I can't.

Played a bit more Free Cell but I gave up after I realised I'd been on for an hour!

The weekends in my house are spent with someone on the computer and everyone waiting in a queue to get on. If you go to the loo or make a cup of tea you lose your place. Getting my own wireless card soon so I'll probably NEVER log out!

Mood - Ready for the new week
Music - Fighting Fit - Gene
Edited - Never

hey pete,you still didn't say how it's possible to write an essay on emergent writing-you're so naughty.i'm sure i've got freecell on this computer but have never looked at it-if that makes sense-you make me think i might be missing out on something! Lucky you're not a female and have to use the loo more often-your poor female housemate-she has no chance!!!  .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 21/03/2006 21:27 GMT
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to write an essay on emergent writing!
I think it's all about how children become writers, the letter shape groups and how they can all be buched up into these groups of letters and that makes it easier for children to learn to write letters. I think it also has to show how children begin writing by making words, then simple sentences and how they use connectives to make their writing more sophisticated.
I'm probably wrong but if not I could use this as an essay plan!!
Posted by:peteb


date: 22/03/2006 02:08 GMT
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