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peteb's Journal
Back to peteb's Journal
2006-03-18 01:39:21
10th Entry
My tenth entry... I should get a new bage! Yay!!!

Managed to get my essay done. I started at 8.30am and finished a 11.15 I managed to knock out 2000 words and 4 lesson plans (all sequential).

Went to a lecture on the DaVinci code last night. It was very interesting. It was provided by the chaplaincy of the university and I expected it to be all about religion and very biased, but it wasn't!

Spent the rest of the evening in the SU bar, celebrating one less essay to write.

Woke up this morning felling a little worse for wear, so I spent the morning drinking tea and playing Free cell on my computer.

Had my last core English lecture this afternoon, now I've got two weeks to write 2500 words on emergent writing.

Mood - It's the weekend!
Music - Do Re Me So Far So Good by Carter USM
Edited - Never

Damn peteb your good,  I have to critique 3 journal articles on Childhood obesity with a min of 15 pages in total and it is due in 2weeks - SH!T...  Oh by the way peteb your winning the journal race with joe 
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 18/03/2006 21:08 GMT
that was no mean feat,pete,to get all that done.What does emergent writing mean?Wait a minute,checked dictionary-as it sounds -in the early stages of formation or development-but how could that be an essay subject?The mind boggles.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 19/03/2006 09:58 GMT
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