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skinheadskippy's Journal
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2005-03-12 15:55:38
Welcome to my little corner of the institution. I have no idea what i'm going to put in here; I suppose as time goes on i'll fill it with nonsense and things that I only I would have any interest in. [insert careless shrug here]

I should probably introduce myself, but i'll do that in a later entry. First I have to talk about my evening with The Goodies.

How fitting that I write my first entry whilst on holiday in Brisbane - where, last night, I finally had the opportunity to see The Goodies in person. I never thought I would have this moment, this event, so i'm eternally grateful to the lads for making the trek out here.

Look, for a young fan like me, whose childhood memories feature The Goodies in one way or another, this was a big deal. These boys practically raised me. Back when I was a wee lass in primary school, I would always be found before dinner plonked in front of the TV with my nose on the screen (ignoring the static against my face) watching these three. They were the foundations on which my style of humour was built. They shaped my belief that life should never be taken too seriously. Alright, it could also be said that their influence determined how much of a loony I would turn out to be later on, but I still have an awful lot to thank them for.

Last night I was able to stand with them individually and tell them how important they were, and still are, to dear old me. Words didn't do it justice, but I was earnest and sincere. They had many people thanking them that night, and all the nights previously. I hope these men realize just how much magic they have created in their entertainment, and how special they are to many fans worldwide.

I doubt I will ever see them onstage again - unless I either live in London (which I will eventually do) or the director of the comedy festival entices them over for a second time, this was my first and last occasion of having these legendary men standing right in front of me, making me sink to the floor in fits of laughter. But i'll always be thankful that they came at all, even if they're not as fit as they once were!

So, there you are. I've crossed off The Goodies from my list of Heroes I Absolutely Must Meet.  They forever have my respect and admiration.

Must dash - for the last half-hour I have sat here wearing nothing but a flimsy towel. I should probably change into something, considering my gorgeous hosts will be coming home shortly. Nobody wants to wander into their own home to see their guest almost starkers. Well, alright, some may like it, but considering the sexual orientation of my hosts, seeing a woman in this state would send them reeling.

Argh - i'm still typing, and i'm still in my towel. Right. Off. Go. March.

Mood -
Music - SPLIT ENZ - Hermit McDermitt
Edited -

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