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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-03-17 02:57:29
I'd rather have a sherbert fountain...
I don't know what's worse, I really don't.

The pain in my back is unbearable.  So I take painkillers and feel really nauseus, weak, dizzy and generally stoned, not to mention overwhelmingly tired.

I feel so dehydrated I keep thinking I'm going to pass out.  I'm so dizzy and I'm in such pain I want to throw up every time anyone makes a noise or every time I move.  This is horrid.

And all this pain I'm going through - I didn't even get the fucking job in the end.  The fucking bastards.  They should've given it me simply for turning up in such agony which shows my dedication to the job.  Hmph.

I've got another interview next Thursday for a job I've already done.  I worked it as a temp back in September.  Much easier than the job I'm doing now - only problem is the pay is a lot less than what I'm on now too.  But still I really enjoyed that and I know they were really pleased with my work - so you never know.  If I slip in the bath again then I'm going to just go in a wheelchair. 

I'm going to Norway in a couple of weeks, just for the weekend.  Hope I'm feeling a bit better by then - or at least I hope I'm well enough to just take co-codamol or ibuprofen.

Anyway - onwards and upwards.  Had a look on BUPAs website to see if there were any secretarial jobs going.  There aren't.  They aren't stupid, the BUPA secretaries, they know when they're onto a good thing.  The money's great, you get about 6 months holiday a year and you get to work in a nice clean hospital with nice clean rich patients. 

Still, never mind.  All that matters is that I end up being able to afford my beautiful flat.  Which this job probably won't let me do but you never know!!

Just found out that outpatients have screwed up yet another clinic.  Brilliant.  It'll somehow end up being my fault.

Mood - Stoned, dizzy, sick - but quite cheery really!
Music - I am currently music-less!!
Edited - Never

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