frozen lettuce.There are gremlins in my refrigerator.Yet another reason why it needs to be replaced.SOMEHOW the lettuce ended up at the back and languished there and,shall i be frank(not betty),started to go off.So it was off and frozen at the same time. I removed it to the sink to peel off the off bits and i would've sworn that it cut my finger-akin to a rough paper cut.But no!!!Alas!!A very lucky escape!!! Attack of the Killer Tomatoes eat your (ox)heart out.Not kidding about gremlins-which the following will demonstrate-also found-in the freezer this time-a quarter of a green was quite frightening because upon sighting it thought that something had putrified in the freezer somehow.WHO would put capsicum in the freezer?Wasn't ME so it HAD to be a gremlin.You can't trust them for even one minute.Darned pests they are.