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daftbird's Journal
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2006-03-15 16:16:18
yesterdays news
i'm writing this journal entry in lieu of a proper one as i'm too knackered to write one.i thought i should,in an act of...whatever...,write this for anyone who thought by now that this journal should  have another entry in it-because i,too,hate that thing when you go look in a journal because you think the number of entries has gone up,but when you get there in fact you realise that you were simply having a mental moment and that there is no new entry after all.Nothing new to read there-i hate that thing.And then after a few days you wonder if the person is dead or something.Are they are alone in their flat being eaten by cats??? . Well ,in fact,i guess the number of entries in my journal will have gone up with the addition of this,even if it is utter crap.

Mood - ummm....something?...
Music - too much rain-paul mccartney
Edited - Never

Eaten by cats - funny you should say that - did you hear about the french chick who tried to top herself and while she was out cold with a drug overdose her dog ate her face off (It was hungry after being trap in the house with no tucker I guess).  She is the worlds first face transplant patient.  Apart from the lack of muscle control this woman looks pretty good considering.  The wonders of modern medicine.
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 16/03/2006 20:04 GMT
oh bondy-that's just off-oh the poor woman.i will be very wary around my labrador from now on! .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 17/03/2006 08:47 GMT
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