i am henceforth going to use the above word to describe music that makes me feel sick.This covers all sorts such as anything even vaguely rappish(blondie's effort in "rapture" is excluded from this),mariah carey,michael bolton,celine dion,whoever the female singer of the moment is and so on.Though now i feel mean because celine dion is a nice person-i bet SHE doesn't have a blow up doll at her house.Oh,add guy sebastian to that list.And most dance music.i would listen to nana mouskouri before that.I hate stuff with off lyrics-definitely spewsic.Oh,and novelty songs-that agadooo song years ago made me want to string myself up .
Mood - ranting as usual
Music - trampolene-julian cope
Try going to uni in a small town like Exmouth! The night clubs ALWAYS latch on to the latest annoying novelty song - JCB song by Nislopi. Listen to that when trying to dance like an idiot when drunk!!!
Good news dafty - I thought as much My mother has a cookie jar with "Who let the Dogs Out" that plays everytime you lift the lid. Enough to scare anyone away or at least rethink their need for cookies. Oh by the way, I also hate "Shutuppa your face" I wish that dude had of taken his own advice cos his song is definitely spewsic!!