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nezangel's Journal
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2006-03-03 22:31:59
Thank Goodie it's Friday!!
Well, it's me again!!
I'm bored at work as per usual.  I've been trying to create another avatar picture - this time of JJ Garden (& trust me, pictures of him are VERY rare) - however i've had to crop the picture a LOT so it's a bit of a close up shot! & I've finally managed to get it sized at 100 x 100 pixels but although it says avatar created it doesn't change my picture - very odd.  These things are always beyond my comprehension, most people seem to just be able to get things right straight away but I always come across a problem - bugger!!

Ho hum, it's ok I suppose, the piccy I already have is very nice & from my favourite scene in any Goodies episode (of the ones I've seen anyway, which is a fair few!!)

Speaking of pictures of JJ Garden, I was on the website which sells wristbands designed by celebs for charities - I already have some (including one by JJ) but I noticed they had a picture of Paddy Boom (also of Scissor Sisters) beside his name which vexed me a tad so I emailed them to let them know & told them that they already had a picture of JJ in a group shot in the photo's section of the site (I had to tell them which person it was as they didn't know him - huh typical!!) & now they've changed it & thanked me for pointing it out - woohoo!!  Much as I like Paddy Boom it's nice to have an accurate (& extremely cute) picture of JJ where it should be.

Anyway, less of my obsession with Graeme's lovely son, I do tend to get carried away (or I should be carried away, one or the other!!)

Woah, just noticed that this is turning into an essay & I have a lot of work to do which I'd better make a start on - oh dear, it's lunchtime, looks like the work will have to wait 

Tatty bye,

Mood - That Friday Feeling!!
Music - The Grease Mega-Mix (stop laughing!!)
Edited - Never

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