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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-02-28 21:15:44
My first journalling badge!!!!!!
Which hopefully I should get after posting this very journal entry...

I'm going to die.  I can't talk - I've been having to write down everything I want to say, which takes forever.  Tried to talk.  I can only whisper.  It's horrid.

Had an awful dream last night - it was more a nightmare than anything else.  I was looking after a baby for a friend (this was scary to start off with - I can't stand children!), and then all of a sudden my friend started running down the road with a knife in her hand - the police surrounded her cos she had a history of self harming - but she was going mad, and she started slashing at her neck, and then she cut her main artery and she bled to death - in slow motion!

It was horrid.  I often have horrid nightmares which I always remember.  In fact, that was one of the less scary, less violent and horrific ones.  And I don't remember that many of my normal nice lovely dreams.  Although I had a dream the other night where I had a cuddle off Bill Oddie.  It was a very nice warm drummery type cuddle.  Just a cuddle, mind you, nothing funny!!!!

It's not fair.  I'm not really ILL, ill.  I mean, I'm not as ill as I was at the weekend.  I just can't talk.  I should be at work.  I'd LIKE to be at work!  I'm bored stiff.  Can't stand it anymore.

Hopefully my voice'll be a bit better tomorrow - if it is I'll go to work.

My brother's in court today waiting for the announcement of his trial at the Crown Court.  Long story.  Hope he gets let out.  We're planning on going to see The Who-> together.

Mood - Sore throat. Worried.
Music - The World of the Goodies
Edited - Never

Yes I often get laryngitis at it's one of the most annoying things to happen! And it usually happens at the worst time too!
I hope you get your voice back soon and enjy your Goodies shows and icecream!
Posted by:ek


date: 02/03/2006 20:57 GMT
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