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daftbird's Journal
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2006-02-21 09:22:05
ladybird book review #7062 -the princess and the pea
I've actually been trying to track this one down for a while-little bit demented,perhaps?This is another happening one from ladybird.Here's a little bit of the story...


"Once upon a time,there was a prince.When he grew up he wanted to marry a princess.But he wanted her to be a real princess.The prince went all over the world looking for a real princess whom he could marry.The prince met many princesses but there was always something the matter with them.One was too tall and another was too was too sad and another was too gay."

So there you have it.BUT i put it to you that it was the prince who was gay-it's obvious from his fastidious nature,and also that he could see no redeeming features in all the women he met.Also-if you could see the outfit he's wearing in the book,there's just no question.

The prince's mother decides to test one particular young lady who claims to be a princess by putting a pea under 20 mattresses and seeing if she can feel it.I think it would've been rather more interesting if the book title was


-with a plot involving an incontinent princess who just CAN'T stop wetting herself-and the bed- inspite of many medical treatments and the prince falls in love with her anyhow and declares his undying love for her,even as she  piddles herself at the altar.Excellent.

Mood - creative
Music - charlotte anne-julian cope
Edited - Never

Yeah - How lame was that prince!!  That searching for someone of princess/royal/aristocratic blood line and breeding didn't work out real well for poor ole Prince Charles did it.  Hhmm I wonder if he did the pea test on Camilla
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 21/02/2006 16:38 GMT
Hey Dafty, thought I'd leave a note here for you in case you don't go back to your previous entry.  Ricky Gervais is on Parkinson this Saturday night on the ABC(I think).  Might even watch it myself.
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 23/02/2006 17:19 GMT
WOOHOO - I'm the 1200 visitor to your journal Dafty YEAH
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 23/02/2006 21:23 GMT
i saw that advertised and got all happy-woo hoo-it looks like he was sticking it to parky-so to speak-but in a fun way.You are so nice to tell me just in case-THANKS BONDGIRL!-thanks to you i'll actually get off the computer and note it in my diary.When he's on i will shut my eyes and try and get the mental picture of him when he was young-hahahaha .Today i had a look on ebay for something-but nothing in australia at the moment-believe it or not i liked the sound of what i heard last week because i'm into all that 80's stuff.Bit of a worry,really  .

Regarding camilla-i don't know about a pea test,but obviously she must have passed another kind of test many years ago hehehe.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 23/02/2006 21:59 GMT
You know, I think young Midge Ure (Ultravox) was gorgeous, but some time back I looked him up on the Net and couldn't believe how old he is now!! It's a bit scary!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 27/02/2006 18:51 GMT
oh yes,janice-he was lovely! .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 27/02/2006 22:05 GMT
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