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daftbird's Journal
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2006-02-07 15:24:05
whatever it wants to be
First-i must amend what i wrote before-about the texta ad-there's no hand in it at all-that was in my head-but the texta sound effect does exist and it's still horrible.And i still don't know what the ad is about.And who cares.

After all this time am only just  getting used to the fact that i can put any old thing at all in this journal and bearing that in mind am going to put a couple of song quotes here just because i like them and then can see them written here whenever fancy strikes.Under the subtitle of "daft song quotes"...

you saw brigadoon
i saw the crescent
you saw the whole of the moon

and number 2...

ain't getting old,ain't getting younger though
just getting used to the lay of the land.

Ah,music is so happifying!  .

Mood - that's a tough one...
Music - i want you to know-julian lennon
Edited - Never

I reckon I heard the end of that 'whole of the moon' song on the radio the other day. Did you jot it in because it doesn't make sense to you, or are you familiar with "Brigadoon"? If you haven't seen it, borrow the movie of it sometime. It's an oldie, (very old) and I think you might enjoy it. For the uninitiated: it's a fanciful story of a town in Scotland, lost in time. (A bit like Shangri-La in 'The Lost Horizon', if you've ever seen that.) It's a musical, I think, and it's sweet and quaint.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 10/02/2006 22:23 GMT
Yes,i have seen brigadoon-with its fake flowers on the hilside  .Gene Kelly ,wasn't it?-I love Gene Kelly.You have my taste sussed,Janice .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 11/02/2006 11:14 GMT
Gene Kelly is(was) gorgeous! How handsome can a guy be!? Have you seen Anchors Aweigh?
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 13/02/2006 22:24 GMT
And that lovely scar on his face.I'm pretty sure i own the video of that-i think it's the one with the little boy in it.....or maybe i'm getting it mixed up with another one-and he was a well known actor as an adult...umm..ummm...oh i suppose it will come to me at 3 in the morning or something.I recently bought on the town on dvd-yay-now to find a moment to watch it .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 15/02/2006 23:11 GMT
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