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ISIRTA's Journal
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2006-01-31 18:24:09
The Goodies DVD
I've just got the Goodies: At Last and I enjoyed the episodes a lot. There was a great load of special features. Loved Broaden Your Mind (Why were policemen originally called pelers? (cut to stripper policeman)) The out takes were very funny and I watched the easter eggs as well. The commentary to lighthouse keeping loonies (great episode) I watched a little bit of. In all it was a great DVD.

Mood - practically falling asleep
Music - Stuff That Gibbon-Bill Oddie
Edited - Never

Hey IRIRTA, I have that DVD and I love it too! I've seen the easter egss, but I thought they'd be a bit longer or something, instead they only go for about 1 minute each... I also love the Braoden you Mind bit, and especially the outtakes !! I've also watched the commentaries on the first DVD and the second. (I was bored, I mean, it was my holidays, what else am I supposed to do when I'm stuck at home?? ) Anyway, welcome to journalling, as you probably know, we're all crazy here!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 31/01/2006 22:00 GMT
by the way my screen name is ISIRTA (short for I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again). The commentaries were a bit boring, I thought.
Posted by:ISIRTA


date: 04/02/2006 02:06 GMT
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