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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-30 16:27:28
First Day of School..
Well, my first day of school was pretty cr@p, I didn't mind seeing all my friends though, but to sum the day up, I had a pretty sh@t day.. (Sorry about all the swearing, but that's just the kinda' mood I'm in... There might be a little bit more of it later on, so just please excuse my language!) Well, there is this class called 'Care Group' where you just have a teacher that organises everything and reads out the news for the day. (It's basically your 'main' class). And guess who I have in my 'Care Group' ?? My ex ex boyfriend, and my ex boyfriend... I'm actually supposed to be 'best' friends with my ex boyfriend, but something happened today which I'll tell you in a second. My ex ex boyfriend like NEVER talks to me and can't even LOOK at me! I try to be nice to him, but he's just an a$$h@le.. Well, I'll tell you what happened with my 'best friend' (ex boyfriend). He always says to me how much he still loves me since we broke up, and yesterday (Sunday) and also last Friday, he came over to my place, and he was SO nice to me! Anyway, yesterday we also went to the movies, saw a pretty bad movie, and he couldn't stop hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.. I still really like him, I only broke up with him because I thought that I needed a break from him, he was getting a bit 'annoying' (I know, I feel bad for saying that, but it's the truth..) Ok, I'll get to the point now, today, he was nice to me in the morning, then suddenly at recess he gets 'pretend' married to this girl, who I think is a really good friend to him, and they both have a ring now. And after that, when we're walking together I ask him if he loves her, and he says only 'friendly' love (I mean, what the H@#$ does 'friendly' love MEAN??) After that, he doesn't talk to me, then at lunch I see him hugging her from behind, and the last I see of him, he is talking 'privately' to this girl at the end of the day. I just swiftly walked passed, trying to ignore him. I feel so cr@p now, and whenever I try and talk about it to my friends, they just basically ignore me and talk to me about their problems. I told my mum, but whenever I do, I just burst out crying, and you know how you do those little hic up things once you've cried heaps? Well, I start to do that, and then I can hardly talk to my mum, hehe, it's actually quite embarrassing in a way.. I better stop talking about my day at school now, because I'm probably BORING you all to death with my whining, and I think I probably am making a too bigger deal out of this, but I went out with my ex bf for 17 weeks, and I still like him!.. Anyway, bye bye!


Mood - Crying non-stop (maybe just crying a LITTLE bit..)
Music -
Edited -

Don't get sad over a boy - it's not worth it! But I hope you feel better soon!
Posted by:ek


date: 30/01/2006 16:34 GMT
I know what you mean ek, but he was so nice to me, so loving and caring... But thanks, from now on, I'll try and get over him
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 30/01/2006 17:04 GMT
Yeah forget him he is not worth it. You both maybe still young but he his probably using you, and the fact that you havent given him what his after he has just latched onto someone else. Some guys are like that, and I know it feels horrible and confusing for you at the moment. But you are not alone with this sort of thing. I have seen alot of young people go through this. Its just a part of growing up.
Posted by:RatDog


date: 30/01/2006 20:14 GMT
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