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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-17 17:06:02
Bad Luck...
Last night my dad was serving dinner, and he accidently burnt me on my arm with the side of the oven tray, twice! I've now got these two straight burns, parallel to eachother on my arm, it looks like something has scratched me! It really hurt too, I had to keep an ice pack on it for about an hour, well I had to change the ice packs so the peas and beans wouldn't defrost! Anyway, today I went for a bike ride in the 30+ degree heat, and I had to wear pants because all my shorts were either drying, or in the wash! I wanted to get some exercise in, because it's hard to find the right temperature to go walking.. I think I'm having bad luck, and some people say that bad luck comes in threes! What's going to happen next??


Mood - Worried
Music -
Edited -

Ouch! Hopefully there's already been three things but one of them was so small you didn't notice.  When I was at school we were cooking in Home Ec (don't know if they still call it that) and the boys at the next bench were throwing pieces of potato at me. I tried to duck but I was holding the frying pan at the same time and I accidentally bumped into my friend with the pan and burnt her arm! She still has the scar now and that was about 16 or 17 years ago!!

When I worked at McDonalds I used to get little burns all the time. One day I got quite a bad one from one of the metal baskets that the fries are cooked in. The basket has sort of criss-crossed wires on it, but only the ones in one direction burnt me. So I actually had about six stripes of burn on my arm! It looked really weird!
Posted by:AC


date: 17/01/2006 17:54 GMT
Yea, I hate burns.. They really hurt! And I'm sorry to hear that you accidently bumped into your friend with the frying pan in Home Ec, (and yes, it's called Home Ec still) what happened? Is the scar really big?
By the way, boys in High School are so immatuer, they always do stupid things like that... *Sigh..
Also, I thought MY burn was bad, but yours sounds worse, are you alright now??
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 17/01/2006 19:44 GMT
Hehehe I feel like Marge in the Simpsons when she says to Lisa "Do kids still ride bikes? I thought maybe it wasn't cool any more. Do kids still use that word COOL?"

My friend only has a small scar from when I burnt her. It always makes me feel guilty though!!  My burn from McDonalds didn't even leave me with a scar so I guess it wasn't too bad really. It just looked weird because of the shape. I got lots of tiny little burns working there though. These days working in an office I just get paper cuts instead!
Posted by:AC


date: 17/01/2006 20:07 GMT
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