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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
Back to i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
2006-01-11 23:35:18
A Weird Day..
I got up this morning, earlier than I would usually (I got up at about 9:30 this morning, and I usually sleep in untill about 10:30-11:00..), and I had a shower. But when I was getting out, I slipped and landed on my bottom. It really hurt! I've got a huge bruise now!! Ah well, After that I went to the post office and I finally sent the letter I wrote to Tim. For the rest of the day I just went shopping and when I got home I spoke to my (now ex) bf. And I couldn't help bursting out crying! It was quite embarrassing actually... But, I was happy and laughing again because I watched "At Last The 1948 Show" for the rest of the night (I love the bit where Tim is that robot and he goes to visit Bill as the lonely patient!!! Very clever!). I have to go now though, I'm really tired, and I need to go to bed. G'night, it's time for "beddy byes" or "sleepy bo bo's" as some people say it!


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Edited -

i like to say sleepy bo-bos too .I wanted to tell you that i wrote about the python book in AC's journal for you to read.bye now.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 12/01/2006 21:20 GMT
Ouch! I hope you're OK Alex!
Ooh I must get across to my own journal and read what you've written dafty!
Posted by:AC


date: 13/01/2006 20:48 GMT
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