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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
Back to i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
2006-01-09 18:47:16
Last night I set my alarm to wake up at 9:00, but this morning, I slept through my alarm clock, after that, my mum woke me up at about 10:00 and I fell asleep again, and finally when my dad got back from his morning shift which was at about 12:30 he woke me up, finally!!! (My dad is a doctor and only works in the morning on Mondays and Fridays.. Not that you really need to know that, but anyway...) I got up and out of bed at 12:30!! How bad is that?! Haha Well, once I got out of bed, I went on the computer and I started typing out a letter to Tim! (I think I finally found his agent's address!! I'm so excited! I hope it is correct!) Yea, so I've started a letter to him, and I've written all this stuff about how I'm a big fan of his, and how I missed out on meeting him at that signing in Adelaide, and so on! (Blah, blah, blah! ) I would show you but it's a bit too long to put in my journal I think.. It's about two pages, so yea, waaay too long! After I wrote most of the letter to Tim, I went into town and looked at yet another few second-hand bookshops and comic stores, but none of them had anything. Well, that's about all that happened today! Hope you could be bothered reading all that! (Probably not.. Hehe ) Well, I gotta go and finish writing my letter, and maybe get my dad to check if it's alright for me!


P.S. Has anyone got any ideas of making my journal a bit more interesting? Because I think it's a bit boring.. Is it?

Mood - Tired (again) but still kind of happy.
Music - Wild Thing by The Goodies
Edited -

Oh that sleep-in sounds fabulous Alex!  It was so hot last night I could hardly sleep at all. Then I had to drag my sorry arse out of bed and go to work
Good luck with the letter. Hope he replies!!
Posted by:AC


date: 09/01/2006 18:53 GMT
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