Or alternate title-howard jones isn't gay.Wrote a journal entry last night and went to post it and then got a can't be displayed screen or what ever it was.That gives you the peedoodles.In summary it was about howard jones of orange hair-or whatever colour it was on the day-fame.Howard facts:
*he has sold 8 million albums-GO HOWARD
*and the point in question(in my head only) over his preference-he is not-and never was G-A-Y.He is happily married to jan and has 3 children
*i was interested to find that last year he did a concert with jackson browne-whom i like a lot.Who the hell in their right mind would put these 2 together?No doubt the reason why i will have to check out howard's site again and see if it was recorded in any way.Quite attached to the music of jackson browne.He was always rather attractive as well,which a man should be if he possibly can(have i inadvertently quoted pride and prejudice?-i think a little.excellent).
*how did anyone with the name HOWARD have any success in the music world-an anomaly.
Mood - lamenting lost journal entry
Music - luckiest man alive-finn brothers