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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-04 22:17:18
Yay! I got the Pictures Working!
Ok, I have finally learnt how to put pictures on my journal now! (By the way, these are just some Goodies pictures that I have gotten from some episodes on my computer, and some from the internet.. I just wanted to put some pictures in my journal because I wanted to make it look better )
Here are the pics!!

This first one is of Tim in the "Fairy Puff Man" Ad. Which is in the episode "Beefeaters" :

This pic is of Tim, Graeme and Bill in the "Dodo Revolution" Ad. ( I think that's what they called it in the ep...)  Which is in the episode "Pollution" (Sorry about the picture, it's a bit blurry..) :

Now, I'll just put one last picture up. This is a picture of Tim, Graeme and Bill in their costumes of one of the songs they did in "The Goodies Almost Live" :

I hope you liked my pictures, and that all the info I put down about the pics is correct! If anything is wrong, please tell me. And don't forget to reply!!  

Bye bye!


P.S. I might post some more pics later.

Mood - Happy/Excited because I got the images working!
Music -
Edited -

Wow, great pictures! I ALWAYS laugh at that Fairy Puff Man ad! Tim sings in this hilarious teeny voice, "I'm a little fairy puff man. Puff man!"
Posted by:ek


date: 05/01/2006 11:10 GMT
Yea, I think it's one of the best ads that they did. I always liked it how in their earlier episodes they would have an ad break, but then they stopped doing them around the start of season three, I think... Anyway, I always laugh at that Fairy Puff Man Ad too, it's hilarious! I also love it how Tim sings at the end of it too!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 05/01/2006 11:57 GMT
Gets right to the dirt of the wa-a-sh.
Posted by:AC


date: 05/01/2006 18:13 GMT
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