Just went and found the daft poem from 1991.A scottish friend by name of Ewen kept going on about haggis-the "mythical creature" variety- though i'm not QUITE that gullible.
O.K.-ode to a scottish hairy haggis...
I went a haggis hunting with my two bare hands
Scrambling through the undergrowth there was naught but empty cans
I went a haggis hunting with my butterknife
I found one in a tin,the disappointment of my life
I went a haggis hunting with a mighty sword
Couldn't find one anywhere-i went home;i was bored
I went a haggis hunting with a damned big cannon...(and was arrested by the RSPCA)
I went a Ewen shooting...
Said it was daft .
Mood - not quite as crochetty
Music - take it easy-jackson browne(live,acoustic)
hehehe That's quite funny. Actually it reminds me a bit of the old A.A.Milne poem about the kid who wants a rabbit. He keeps going to the market with whatever money he has. And they have all kinds of things at the market, mackeral and pots and pans and whatever. Eventually he's got no money at all so he doesn't go to the market he goes out on the common instead. And when he gets there he sees rabbits everywhere! I used to love that poem. I think it's from "Now We are Six" or one of those.
I may have tried haggis, had I ever come across it, but as I have not yet come across it, I have not tried it! (Although I think I may have seen it for sale in a continental shop window, or someplace.) I knew it was a stomach bag, but oooo the gear they put in it! I didn't know about all that stuff...not really appetising... and I'm one of those who is happy to eat liver, tongue and kidneys! Never really thought about eating lungs...even heart doesn't do it for me, I'm afraid. Nevertheless, if someone offered me haggis, I'd probably still give it a go!