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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-01 12:38:50
Hey again. Sorry, i keep on thinking up more things to talk about and it's really bad because this is my third journal in the last 10 hours or so!!

Anyway, does anyone know how i could maybe send an email, or maybe even a letter to any of the Goodies? Ok, I got to go, I might go watch some Goodies episodes..

Mood - Happy
Music -
Edited - Never

I don't know about email addresses but there are definately some mailing addresses you can send stuff (care of their management or some such) Unfortunately I have no idea what the addresses are but some people around here do. Check with ek because I know she has the addy for Graeme. If you don't get any other responses here, try posting the question in the forums and I'm sure you'll get some responses.  Either that or scan through some of the old posts in the forums because I'm sure the addresses must be in there somewhere
Posted by:AC


date: 01/01/2006 22:40 GMT
Thankyou for telling me that AC. I really want to send one of the Goodies a letter, so thanks again for giving me an idea of how I can do that!

Have you ever gotten their autograph or a photo with one of the Goodies before?

Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 01/01/2006 22:50 GMT
Yeah I met Bill when they were out here in March.  I had a photo with him but didn't get his autograph. 
I also met both Tim and Graeme at a signing session when they were here in November.  I got their autographs and had photos with them.  The photos are all in one of the old threads if you can find it. I think the thread was called "Melbourne signing - PHOTOS" or something like that.
Posted by:AC


date: 02/01/2006 16:48 GMT
Hey AC, I can't seem to find the thread that you are talking about.. Is it in the 'Spotted' forums?? And what page do you think it would be on?
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 02/01/2006 20:08 GMT
Hi Alex.  I had to go hunting for it myself to try and find it! It was actually under the "Events" forum.  I've just posted a reply to myself in that thread so that it will come up as one of the recent threads.  Otherwise if you don't find it there, try
Posted by:AC


date: 02/01/2006 21:27 GMT
er, you might have to cut and paste that URL to make it all one line. Sorry.
Posted by:AC


date: 02/01/2006 21:27 GMT
Thankyou for that AC. Those pics are really good. I especially enjoyed looking at the photos of TBT. Also the ones of Graeme were good, it's funny because he still has his Qantas boarding pass in his pocket!! Also TBT and GG look like they are wearing the same watch! Haha!!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 02/01/2006 22:50 GMT
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