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daftbird's Journal
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2005-12-31 17:11:01
peedoodle inducing things
-another title possibly could have been "2005 ebbs away"or some such thing.O.K.-peedoodle inducing things this year-in no particular order-#1 the fact that the fridge is too small-2006 will be the "year of the  refrigerator" in the chinese calendar(well,why not?).The fridge has been too small for 12 and a half years.Why do they even make them that small?It's enough to give you the dirts.#2 my ex-husband #3 the fact that i wish to eat chocolate and cannot #4 there are too many ladybird books missing from my collection-hehe #5 catching up with old school friends and realising that you look older than them even though you were the youngest in the year...ummm...what other things were peedoodle inducing?????#6 darth tater trying to assert his authority -he's pointing his light sabre at me this very moment(bad,bad potato!)#7 barkly being a pain #8 never seeing the first goodies dvd anywhere (can't be bothered to order it).

BUT-on the upside-here is the good stuff from 2005-i have somewhere to live,plenty of food and clothing and a lively spirit.And it doesn't get better than that,for what else do we need?Roll on 2006.

Mood - sort of ...sentimental or something
Music - for all we know-the carpenters
Edited - Never

Sounds like you were looking forward to getting rid of 2005 as much as I was!!
Posted by:AC


date: 01/01/2006 11:21 GMT
hahahahahahahahahaha .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 01/01/2006 16:23 GMT
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