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zaphod's Journal
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2005-12-26 16:22:24
Not so Happy Christmas
Actually, for me it was a great Christmas until Yesterday when I went to my parent's place for Dinner.  The Cat was looking a bit grotty so we gave him a bath. Unfortunately, unfer all the grot, we could see some rather nasty abces' (sp?) around his jaw, and it was pretty obvious the little guy was in pain.

We managed to get some pet antiseptic on it, but it was actually worse today.  We managed to get a vet to see him today, but when we took him, the vet didn't think much of his chances, and Mum said that he'd suffered enough and to go ahead and put him to sleep.

He was already a real mess, and Mum couldn't hold him down so my Dad and I had to do it.  The vet was really quite gentle about it, however he still had to sedate the cat before he could give the other injection.

It isn't the sort of thing you want to have happen at any time, but it seems to hit harder at this time of year.

At least he isn't suffering anymore.

Mood - A bit upset
Music - None
Edited - Never

I'm sorry that happened - especially at this time of year. I hope New Year's Eve/Day is a bit better for you!
Posted by:ek


date: 27/12/2005 11:57 GMT
Unfortunately it had to be done, so understand it, I was just a bit updet.    Hopefully New Years and beyond will be better.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 27/12/2005 18:53 GMT
Poor Zaph!  We had to get my cat put down because of kidney problems. Like with your cat, it was obvious that he was suffering, so at least we were able to put an end to the suffering.  I always felt bad for the other people in the waiting room of the vets because I came out with the cat completely covered in a towel (when the head is covered it makes it pretty obvious what's happened) and I was absolutely SOBBING! Must have been a bit worrying for those poor nervous people sitting with their sick pets!  I got that cat as a little kitten when I was 10yo and I was 23 when we had to get him put down. So sad!
Posted by:AC


date: 28/12/2005 11:44 GMT
Iam very sorry about your cat. I know how you feel as we had ours put down last Thursday. It is a horrible thing to have to do. But better than watching him suffer.
Posted by:xdonna

xdonna WWW 

date: 28/12/2005 19:49 GMT
Sorry to hear about the cat. Cat fight absess (sp) are quite nasty. One of my cats had a nasty one that kept popping up on his neck and was so deep it had to have a drain put in his neck for a couple of days. The tissue around his neck wouldnt heal at all so we had tests run on him and found bacteria in his neck stopping the healing process. His neck is now better but now he is a diabetic cat.
Posted by:RatDog


date: 29/12/2005 18:52 GMT
that's very sad .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 31/12/2005 08:57 GMT
Im so sorry. I hope everything gets better for you from now on. Happy New Year everyone!

-Alexandra xo
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 31/12/2005 22:25 GMT
I still have photos of our cat Sheba, she was really old with 2 cancers. Many happy memories of her eating squirrels. It's the memories thats important. Hugs.
Posted by:Edna


date: 06/01/2006 08:18 GMT
Sad news Zaphod. I've had 2 Dogs in my life and for simil;ar reasons they both had to be put down so i know where you are coming from. You have my sympathies
Posted by:New_Roosterman


date: 11/01/2006 22:15 GMT
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