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xdonna's Journal
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2005-12-21 18:34:55
My poor cat
My poor old cat had to spend the day at the vets yesterday as he has explosive diarrhea .Not nice and VERY smelly. Now you have to understand he is an outdoor cat always has been. He comes in of a morning to eat and if it is raining stays in to snooze but is wanting to be out again by lunch time what ever the weather and comes back for his tea. So a whole day in a cage at the vets wasn't his idea of fun. We took him in and the vet didn't hold out much hope asa he is rather elderly(15 years) We had to leave him and I was convinced we would not see him again so I left the vet in tears. But we went back and despite all the tests there is nothing majorly  wrong.  He is just very old and showing it. We have to stop the runs or he will starve to death so he has a week to get better (we have tablets) or his weight loss will be unsustainable. We are all now watching him very carefully.

Mood - acck why now.....
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Edited - Never

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