If i read ONE more recipe that calls for FRESH ingredients shall throw a big tanty for it gives me the peedoodles.This is what i'm thinking-NO,instead of using 'fresh' ingredients i will buy produce when it's going off and then let everything moulder away and only when it has many different varieties of mould,fungi,and bacteria growing on i'm thinking THAT'D be the time to cook with the ingredients.WHY DO THEY HAVE TO SPELL THAT OUT EVERYTIME .FOR FRIGS SAKE I THINK EVERYONE KNOWS TO USE FRESH INGREDIENTS.WHO IS THE TOSSER THAT FIRST STARTED USING THE EXPRESSION.WOULD LIKE TO PELT THEM WITH ROTTEN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES.rant over and out.
Mood - peedoodly
Music - working for the weekend-loverboy
There's a song called "Birthday Cake" by a crazy Japanese group called Cibo Matto which has details about what she is putting in the cake. One of the ingredients is "Milk from two months ago" which is followed by the line "It's mouldy mum isn't it?"
hey AC i checked those kooky lyrics out-and will also go back when it's not so late at night and check out the below as well.You're always putting good stuff here-hell,someone's got to as the owner - i.e moi -of the journal's letting the side down .
cibo matto lyrics
Know Your Chicken Sugar Water Theme Apple Artichoke Artichoke. Beef Jerky
My bf had an X-Box game a while ago called Jetset Radio Future (???don't ask me - I think the game was Japanese too) He got bored of the game before very long and traded it in. But it had a really funky soundtrack with lots of interesting songs playing over the top of the game play. That crazy Birthday Cake song was one of them.