i have a labrador.He's obese.He's a beast.My sister says he resembles a table.He's annoying as hell.Decided that he had important things to say at 5.30 this morning and yesterday morning.Possibly the only people who think he's more annoying than i do are the neighbours.NEWSFLASH-Barkly,i don't love you nor wish to have to go seek out your face at 5.30 in the morning.At that time i only like you a bit.And only a little bit at that.Actually at that time of the morning i find you a horrible,hateful and detestable lump of doggy flesh and feel no bond nor affection for you whatsoever.And if only you could read i'd bring you inside and subject you to reading this journal to torture you.Ah,venting-ain't it grand .
Labs are often big. It's because they eat anything and everything. My friends have one and she eats gum-nuts off the ground in the back yard. One night they ate corn and left their plates on the dining table for about 5 mins after dinner (big mistake) The dog jumped up on the table and swallowed the corn cobs whole!! The vet actually said she was obese and they had to put her on a diet. Apparently she has lost quite a bit of weight now
i'm with you AC-this barkly is actually the second barkly-the first one was a childhood pet.Barkly #1 used to eat water melon rinds and all.He was a country dog and very cluey-he would go and hang around when my aunt was milking the cow because he knew he'd be given some milk.i miss that dog.Barkly#2 gets roughly around 400gms meat a day and a couple of handfuls of dryfood but continues to be a blubber guts.Poor old hound .Hey AC-i'm having trouble with your journal-when i want to go there it tells me that the page cannot be displayed-i don't know what's going on as i went to some other diaries and it didn't do it there.i mean it happens consistently-it's really weird.
That's weird! I don't seem to have any trouble viewing. Some people must still be able to see it because I've had a few comments. Maybe it's because I've got too many pictures in there. Maybe the size is too big for your puter or something. I've posted a question in the forums so hopefully someone will know how to fix it.