i thought i would cheat-instead of editing the previous post will instead make a new entry in an attempt to secure another badge!oh so sneaky...
i realised that john in fact wasn't 31 at all,he hadn't turned 31 yet as the filming was done in may.Also how delightful it was to see george-my favourite beatle.He somehow always looked so much older than his years-all those years of cigarettes.poor old george.
Mood - i don't know ,really
Music - strong enough-sheryl crow(yet again)
Yeah funny that George looked older and he was the youngest one. There was some report on the radio the other day which said "The Beatles are suing someone or rather for something or rather" (ok I wasn't listening too hard) And I shouted out "The Beatles??? What Beatles?? Half of them are dead!!" When George died I said "I'll bet you any money the newspaper headline tomorrow will say 'And then there were two'" And sure enough - that's exactly what it said! I was really said when George died. Don't remember John dying though. I was only 4yo
i remember when john died-was 10 at the time-but wasn't that much of a fan at that point-they were showing a lot of footage of him.i can remember when elvis died-had just turned 7 and cried and cried.Even mum cried.it was quite pathetic.But you see-i was in love with elvis and when he sang "moonlight swim"I used to think that he was singing it for me.How sick is that?hahaha.
I think Elvis died the same year I was born so I definately don't remember that one! Never been a big Elvis fan myself. I like some of his earlier stuff but really I've always been a Beatles gal.