O.K. in summary-there was a goat with 7 kids.Just before going for a walk in the forest(the forest AGAIN-what IS the attraction there.Maybe that's what's wrong with me,never been to the forest)she warns them not to open the door to the wolf because he'll eat them.Fair enough-no one wants to be eaten unless they have complex known as "rebound hannibal".The wily wolf manages to get in and eat 6 of them,while one stayed safe in the clockcase-possibly suffering from survivor guilt.Mother comes back and they weep together .yeah yeah,whatever.They find the wolf with swollen belly under a tree snoring-no doubt satisfied after big dinner.THIS IS THE DISTURBING BIT-ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!BRAIN MELTDOWN ARRGGGGHHHHH.....mother gets the kid to run home and bring back a big pair of scissors and SHE CUTS HIS STOMACH OPEN -arrggghghhhh -and gets the kids out -for the wolf had swallowed them whole due to his greed.THEN she fills up his gut with stones and then STITCHES HIM BACK UP AGAIN! THIS BOOK IS COMPLETELY MENTAL.NEVER READ IT,ESPECIALLY NOT TO A CHILD!!!!Wolf wakes up thirsty goes for have a drink at the well leans over,falls in,and drowns.Mother goat and kids skip around crying"the wolf is dead!the wolf is dead!" .NICE.
GOOD ONE,LADYBIRD!!hahahahaha.
Mood - who knows
Music - lonely goat herd...oldelahehoo(spelling?)
You know, I'd forgotten about that story, but as I read it, it seemed familiar: I remember it from years past. I don't recall whether I read it, or it was read to me, but never fear, I don't remember it having an adverse effect on me...but then again...maybe THAT'S what's wrong with me!!!
i'm SURE that it would be familiar to you-at our school we had the whole set of ladybird well-loved tales and the school was in woop woop and if we had them i'm thinking that surely other schools did as well.No doubt this is is where the ladybird obsession stems from-desperately trying to recapture youth!I've no doubt that everyone in this site is screwed up from themes explored in these books .
Could it be that these stories were used as stranger danger warnings???? with a "Thou shall not steal" by line. Take Hansel and Gretel (please) two kids stealing from an old lady who locks them up and tries to eat them. Additionally those two kids were dumped in the forrest by their parents... talk about abandoment issues, a fear of the elderly and embarking on a life of crime (stealing- eating the house and murder- pushing the old witch into the oven) how is that for a sweet bed time story.AAAHHHHH!!