To please darth i said I'd do a review of the ladybird book Magnets,Bulbs and Batteries.In short the book's a real fizzer.It's a drag.If you have the urge to make a compass THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!!!It tells you what batteries are made of.There is a picture of a boy licking a battery-well what kind of a goose is he??It's a crap book.Due to ladybird books being sold in "lots" i am now the proud owner of three copies of Magnets,Bulbs and Batteries.There was no avoiding it.Who's a lucky girl,then?At least Darth will be able to have a read -which ever one of the 3 that he fancies- and may be conduct some experiments-living here may be a little quiet for him.
Mood - crook as a hound
Music - heroes and villains-the beachboys
So do tell daftbird, what are the best ladybird books? (Obviously not Magnets, Bulbs and Batteries which is, of course, a fizzer) Does it really have a picture of a kid licking a battery? I remember kids at school used to do that but I never thought it was a very good idea. Mind you, the kids at my school used to buy glue sticks and keep them in their pencil cases.............TO EAT!!! Kids weren't very bright in my area.
Yes,i'm SERIOUS-there really is a picture of a kid with his tongue on a battery.It's probably a drawing-i'll have to check it out again.i must tell you that the elves and the shoemaker is being sold on ebay as we speak,in case you're interested in getting this book that you had in childhood.Hahahaha-the best ladybird books...ummm....the magic porridge pot is up there at the top-it perhaps deserves its own book review.One that i'm having trouble getting is snow white and rose red-i loved that one at school as a child and always keep an eye out for it on ebay and in op-shops.It really is an obsession,is it not?In summary i would have to say that the "well-loved tales" are the best ones-the elves and the shoemaker is one from that series.Enough already! The kids at my school were really odd-they used to .
I have a copy of the Three Little Pigs in Ladybird somewhere...and that's great...goes into more details than the regular 3 pigs versions and has fabulous illustrations. I also have a cute one about a visit to a farm, called Sunny Days.