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daftbird's Journal
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2005-11-24 22:14:30
confession time
I have a rather disturbing problem.So disturbing in fact that it's hard to admit,even to self.I have come to realise that i am completely and utterly addicted to ladybird books.Disturbing
isn't the word.Getting a good collection.Even like the ones about such things as experimenting with magnets and such things.It's an insidious disorder,really.The books are so small and..well...cute.The spines are different colours.And what does a grown woman want with these children's books.I even became engrossed in one about the british postal service in the 1960's.It has a red mail box on the cover and the postal worker has opened the door to retrieve the mail,and there's not even anyone inside it.After the initial disappointment of the cover the book itself is a simply ripping yarn.Good stuff.Cool pictures.This book informed me that in 1965 when it was published that 26 million letters a day were posted in England. Consider that the very first daftbird journal book ladybird book review.Oh,they're  such dear little books.I think i need HELP  .

Mood - tired,tired and ....tired
Music - continuing saga of the postman song
Edited -

I'm after the Little Golden Book of Fury, to go with my Breyer model horse of the same character.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 25/11/2005 17:18 GMT
hehehehe I love kids books. I'm forever picking them up in second hand bookshops. Always ones that I had when I was a kid. I think I just like reliving my childhood.

I had one of those ladybird books which was a story of the cobbler or something. The shoemaker's wife? I don't know it's all just a hazy memory now.

I also had one which was the same size and format as a ladybird book but not sure if it really was one. It was a bit groovier. It was about a cat who was a space traveller. His name was Major Tom (as in Tom Cat) and he had a sidekick who I think was called Oddball and was basically a big round thing with legs.  I think they were chasing a space goat or something. Probably sounds very weird but I loved it!
I actually found a second hand copy of that last year but I've given it away to my little half-brothers
Posted by:AC


date: 25/11/2005 18:29 GMT
PS  here are some picture of Major Tom and Oddball in case you just thought I was making it up. hehehehe
Posted by:AC


date: 25/11/2005 18:36 GMT
i will keep an eye out in ebay for that book ,Janice, as i look there most days.AC ,I'm pretty sure that the one you are thinking of is "the elves and the shoemaker"-the elves snuck in at night and made beautiful shoes ,but the shoemaker and his wife didn't know what was going on.They prospered from the sale of the shoes,and in time saw the elves in action.The shoemaker made tiny shoes for the elves and his wife made them outfits and they now felt so well attired that they decided that they no longer needed to be cobblers and danced happilyout the door.haha.I loved that one too and have a copy of it.woo hoo!
Posted by:daftbird


date: 26/11/2005 12:18 GMT
Oh yeah! The Elves and the shoemaker! That's the one!
Posted by:AC


date: 27/11/2005 09:36 GMT
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