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daftbird's Journal
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2005-10-31 11:36:16
somewhere in time
I'm an avid sbs watcher.No,should clarify that-when there is something decent that is-and decent in the sense of without nakedness as well!Sometimes you flick around and get a glimpse of something and keep on flicking and think h that would have been sbs.Anyway,to get back to it,last night watched a time travel thing on there in which different time travel theories were presented,and the reasons why they would work etc-and it actually seemed fairly bollocky to me.If it could be done I'm guessing that someone would have done it by now!The highlight was hearing the doctor who theme over the closing credits.i was so entranced by watching "somewhere in time" starring jane seymour and christopher reeve as a young girl that the subject has held a dream like fascination for me ever since-and by the look of things will have to stay that way-a dream.No doubt christopher reeve would've liked to have travelled back in time and have made the choice to let go of his reins instead of holding on to them.i'm sure I wasn't the only one who felt moved when he finally passed away.Oh what a depressing journal entry.

Mood - rainy days & mondays always etc
Music - woman-john lennon
Edited - Never

I saw that film on telly years ago and found it rather touching. It must've made an impression, because I don't always remember movies years later.
I love the Dr Who theme.
Re nudity on TV: I agree entirely. I hate watching a show and getting bombarded with stuff that, when Mum was a kid, would've been regarded as porn. Worse is when you are watching something that hasn't got nudity, but because it's an action flick with an M rating, the ads DO have it, so you're not expecting it!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 31/10/2005 23:59 GMT
The worst of when you see something that you shouldn't is that it's hard to put it out of your head if it has stunned you!From this point of view i think that parents who use the t.v. as a babysitter and think that it does no harm are delusional-i'd love it if they got really strict with the censorship so that you could simply sit and watch a program without being bombarded-it's worse than the ENLARGEPEEPEE spam .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 03/11/2005 22:40 GMT
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