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Junius's Journal
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2005-10-25 19:14:18
Thought it high time I whipped myself into shape and posted another journal entry. However, this entry will focus entirely on the very good excuse I have for not having been around for a while...

... I'm in love!

I am both deliriously happy and disgusted at myself for becoming such a walking cliche. It's terrible, I'm noticeably happier, always thinking of him and spending all my free time with him. If it weren't for the deliriously happy part of the bargain, I'd book myself into a looney-bin.

Have not been in love before, but am quite sure this must be something pretty darn close. Joy, joy, joy!

And now I think I'll wander off before my syrupy-sweet wailings inspire nausea in you all.

Smeg on!

Mood - Must you ask? *sigh*...
Music - Unchained Melody - The Righteous Brothers
Edited - Never

Hmmm... a considerably different journal entry to the previous one! Keep your head through it all, but enjoy the moment. Amazing how these blokes take up soooo much of one's spare time, isn't it?!

Glad to FINALLY hear from you again. Excuse accepted.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 25/10/2005 23:33 GMT
Junius ,i thought you may have fallen off the face of the planet or something-but instead you've fallen in love.I'm with janice-excuse excepted-but nothing less than that would have been!haha.Did you ever watch the princess bride? -"wove ,true wove".Yes,of course i'm teasing you .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 26/10/2005 21:34 GMT
Bit of a funny typo there,'ve taken "exception" to Junius's excuse, whereas I "accepted" it! (Okay...I'm's the teacher in me! That's my excuse, anyway. )
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 26/10/2005 21:59 GMT
Ooh, typos... don't get me started, I'm a grammar Nazi!

Thanks for the comments, having reread my journal entry I feel a bit foolish... delightfully gooey-on-the-inside foolish! Honestly, if I weren't the one in this relationship, I think I'd throw up every time I met me...

daftbird - love that movie! Am a huge movie buff and that's one of my faves. Ever read the book? Even better!

Shall endeavour to maintain my once-regular habit of updating. Can I trust on you lot to keep me in shape?
Posted by:Junius


date: 27/10/2005 10:45 GMT
oh,i'm SO ASHAMED about that mistake!!arrgghhh.It was late at night,that's a good enough excuse!Oh,even my mother would be embarrassed about it!I even came first in year 12 english at one stage,unbelievably.Junius-i've not read the princess bride book-but instead have the book on tape(why?it was on sale once).I'm sure that Janice and i could harrass(oh,i hope it's 2 r's and not 1-i dare not risk your wrath,Janice-haha) you with a lot of user messages if you don't do your journal entries regularly.But then the way my journal's going...I can't talk!-even the thought of another badge isn't doing the trick .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 27/10/2005 11:06 GMT
I must say, I've been missing my Goodie friends. I keep checking, but it's like you all just went away. I joked to D-Day that you'd started your own little club without me!

Well, Junius, it seems MY boyfriend thought all this in-love stuff was a gooey load of nonsense, that he didn't understand...till he started going out with me!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 27/10/2005 17:57 GMT
That's so funny, Janice-the thing you said about everyone starting their own club-i was feeling the same way-isn't that odd?
Posted by:daftbird


date: 31/10/2005 12:10 GMT
That's so lovely Junius.  He seems like a great guy too! 
You know, Trent and I were 20yo when we got together. And here we are nine-and-a-half years later!!!
Oh dear I feel old now!

I know what you mean about being both deleriously happy and disgusted with yourself.  I once found a fantastic Valentines card which I gave Trent that said... "If we weren't us we'd make us puke"  hahahahahha  classic!
Posted by:AC


date: 08/11/2005 17:55 GMT
You must tell me where you found it, AC!
Posted by:Junius


date: 10/11/2005 21:43 GMT
I'm not sure I can remember. It was quite a while ago. I think it was just in a card shop or something.  You could always make one though
Posted by:AC


date: 11/11/2005 17:36 GMT
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