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katsup's Journal
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2005-10-02 12:41:55
The Hills are Alive!!
i have a confession to make. I just love the old movie The Sound of Music!

It was on TV last night...but on commercial tv which is just too frustrating when it comes to movies. So i dug out my video of the movie and watched that instead.

*Sigh* I'd forgotten just how much i do enjoy it. I guess i'm just an old sentimental fool really 

Mood - sentimental of course!!
Music - three guesses...let me think now...
Edited - Never

I'm with you, katsup - the Sound of Music is a great film. For many years, though, I thought it finished with the Captain and Maria's wedding... found out at age 10 that there's actually more to it, but my Mum would always turn it off at that point. Apparently she doesn't like to watch anymore after that part. She's a weird one...
Posted by:Junius


date: 03/10/2005 15:48 GMT
I must admit I havent really watched it for years, but with the amount of adds they plug into a film and the bits  they cut out especially when you know the film well, really can give you the !@#$% . So in some ways the best thing is to watch your copy or a hire copy on the same day so you are in with the conversation topics and you have the advantage of no adds and better continuity. No wonder people today have short um what was I on about um oh yeah short attention spans.

Congrats katsup on 10 journal entries
Posted by:D-Day


date: 03/10/2005 19:19 GMT
Nice one, D-Day...
Posted by:Junius


date: 04/10/2005 14:09 GMT
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