It always amazes me that modern families only get together for weddings & funerals. This struck me particularly today as we laid my Grandfather to rest after his 81 year innings.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not going to harp on about how sad I am that he's gone, or how much we will all miss him, that isn't really the point of what I'm trying to say. The point is, that I saw relatives I haven't seen in nearly 20 years, and it took the death of a loved one to bring us back together, and will probably be another 20 years before I see them again.
It's something we should be doing while we are all in the land of the living, not when our numbers are diminishing.
Maybe I'm feeling guilty that I haven't made the effort to see these people, or maybe it's the I think that they should have made the effort to see me. Who knows? Its just one of those things that can't really be answered, at least not by me.
What I do know is that it was fascinating to see my younger cousins who I used to play with when I was much younger, all grown up with children of their own. Do I really have the right to intrude on their lives? Maybe I should just see them at weddings & funerals? Maybe I should go to bed because it's late and I'm totally exhausted after a long day? or maybe I should take up drinking again
Probably not, but it's a nice thought.
Sleep is probably what I need right now, especially since I need to get up early for work tomorrow.
This comment is nothing to do with dinking,sorry!.The above journal entry puts me in mind of an episode of little house on the prarie-yes indeedy-there was an elderly lady whose family were scattered far afield and didn't come to visit she enlisted the help of charles ingalls to help her organise her "funeral"-and then of course everyone turned up and she gave them a bollocking that they'd only bother to turn up when they thought she was dead!But it's so right.why does everyone wait until after the person is gone and then say a lot of nice things about 'old so-and-so'?We should say everything we need to say to our loved ones NOW and often as well.rant for the day-over and out!