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daftbird's Journal
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2005-08-21 18:01:01
julian sands
i am writing this entry for the benefit of janice who may read it one of these days!Hope the above name is correct-from memory he was the one in "room with a view".(i always keep an eye out for it on dvd but have not met with success so far,so might actually have to get it together and order it from somewhere!)Janice,i'm guessing that if you love mr darcy you may also have enjoyed room with a view with all its romance.Oh how shallow things are these days.Where is beauty?(just raving;ignore)

Mood - sort of sombre with a tinge of happy and hunger
Music - boys of summer-don henley
Edited - Never

Well, I don't believe I've ever seen Room With A View! (I have heard of it, though.) Maybe I should hire it, then? Like Pride and Prejudice, I did enjoy the other Regency tales; Emma, and Sense and Sensibility. There was also a saddish one, with Michelle Pfeiffer in it... (Can't recall the name, but I didn't like it as much.) Is Room With A View Regency, too?
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 22/08/2005 22:31 GMT
Sorry to be a bit daft-i'm not sure what you mean by regency-something to do with the time period?Oh yes,you should hire it then.Has helena bonham carter in it as well.I think it has judi dench as well as ....oh what's her name???-another well known english actress anyway.i wonder how freddy turned out in real life-h.b.carter's brother in that movie.I love emma  and sense and sensibility.I enjoyed that awkwardness that hugh grant and emma thompson had around each other.And of course enjoyed kate winslet's story line with Willoughby and alan rickman as well-his characters love for her was so moving.Hey,i also love the fact that emma thompson ended up with the one that plays willoughby in real life-the lucky thing.Room with a View will be right up your alley,janice-it gets better with every viewing as well.Or maybe i just have problems  .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 22/08/2005 22:56 GMT
Yes, Regency is the time period...the Pride and Prejudice era, I believe. Your report sounds romantic and wonderful...I should catch up with Room With A View...should take me away from the present world for a while, into a place of idyllic dreams...
You're right, sometimes this modern world lacks charm and beauty...modern films are so full of blatant sex and violence. I like to watch something that is beautiful and relaxing sometimes, where just the images on the screen are a pleasure to watch, regardless of the particular story-line. The costumes are beautiful and the people are polite and elegant...not cursing their heads off and bringing vulgarity into my lounge-room!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 23/08/2005 22:27 GMT
janice ,you prompted me to get "emma" out and watch it last night.I was in just the right mood and it was so delightful!I know that there are some who didn't like the casting of gwyneth paltrow in the role of emma,but it's just such a good story that it's neither here nor there.oh and when Knightley asks her to marry him-it would melt the heart of any woman.lovely.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 25/08/2005 10:20 GMT
what i should've said was that i watched it AGAIN-it's probably been six times by now,but it's hard to tire of these things.I watched vanity fair the night before and enjoyed that as well.oh to have the gumption of becky sharp!
Posted by:daftbird


date: 25/08/2005 10:23 GMT
Not sure if I've seen Vanity Fair...I'd better catch up with that one sometime, too, then! And I liked Gwyneth as Emma, but I don't know any better...
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 25/08/2005 22:34 GMT
Regency also refers to a style of period furniture. I not sure exactly but I think it could refer to items made during the reign of Queen Victoria.
It gets a little confusing as houses built here during that time at least here in Victoria Australia are refered to as Victorian. The reason I say that is because houses built here @ 1900 are refered to as Federation, but have a different name in NSW, and Im not sure about other states.
So the only way to truely determine the time/terminology is to correlate the history dates with the period reference and the relevant monarch.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 26/08/2005 18:50 GMT
My understanding is that Regency is of the period around the Battle of Waterloo time, the 1812 Overture, etc. I've just looked up the New Oxford Illustrated Dictionary: Regency,(Eng. hist) period (1810-20) in which George, Prince of Wales, acted at regent; (attrib.) of the style of architecture, dress, etc., of this period.
Well, I hope we've all learnt something now!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 28/08/2005 18:17 GMT
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