Im looking forward to Rolf Harris being on Enough Rope with Andrew Denton on ABC TV tonight, it should be good as Denton is a good interviewer. He manages to draw out from his subjects answers to questions most of us have thought about but are never asked.
I actually really enjoyed that interview and even got upset when rolf did- would've been happy it the interview had been even longer.I never suspected this other side of Mr Harris.Brilliant.
Ha! Here I am mush! I keep getting busy with work. Specially if I spend a few days skiving like I just have. I've still got to do some CD reviews before I go out tonight. I'll be writing in my journal in the next few days. Watch out sunshine!
I believe skiving (Pronounced sky-ving) is when you bum around and waste time for a while, or something like that, eg. not getting on with work, like Edna was saying she needs to do.