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katsup's Journal
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2005-07-03 13:23:49
Once upon a time
Here's a lesson to be learned- be careful how u dress for a fancy dress party on a cold, cold night!!

A friend of mine had a fancy dress party on the theme 'characters from fiction'. Oh no! What to be? What to be?    Had i had mobster gear i wld've decided on the ever graceful Big Delilah with my ever immortal glass of bright green milk- but *sigh* it wasn't to be.  :'(

I was thinking maybe an evil character i cld have fun with and mess with ppls minds  BUT whatever i do... i am NOT wearing shoes with big heels (see previous entry as to why not!!). My compromise- Titania (the Queen of the Fairies in Midsummer Night's ream for those not in the know). Perfect! Barefoot hippy who messes with ppls i come.

Another person who went was not quite so prudent- she went as wonder woman- bloomers, cape and mid-riff top at 4 degrees centigrade...and i thought my barefeet and flowing skirts were bad enough!!! 

Mood - Warming up
Music - Paul Simon's Anthology
Edited -

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