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katsup's Journal
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2005-06-27 13:49:21
My Left Foot ('s toe!)
Hmm, didn't want to get copped with copyright on the title and this one's more accurate if not less catchy!! 

What a wonderful weekend i had... not only was it busy but i lso got crook. Spent quite a bit of it on the couch with a rug and junk food (who said being sick was entirely bad?!?) the few times i got up was to look after various groups of kids, but thankfully i found ways to minimise energyexpended (such as playing lichens, cemetries and sleeping lions- MWAHAHAAAA  ).

Last night i spoiled myself by laying on the couch with junk food and, for variety watching Minority Report. Unfortunately for me, tho, i ran outta food, and upon getting food of the edible variety kicked my toe enough to break it (and it's next to one i already brok awhile agao- d'oh!!).

Feeling sorry for myself now. believe u me!!  :'(   

Mood - old and pitful! :)
Music - When i'm 64- of course!!
Edited -

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