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katsup's Journal
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2005-06-21 11:55:29
d'uuuh- i dunno!
Well, my 1st journal entry eh? what to say, what to saaayyy...

I am currently enjoying mid-year uni holidays in my last year of my degree- music education. So my days are pretty tame. yesterday i randomly decided to use up some wool left over from a previous craft project and started knitting a colourful scarf- peak of excitement really.

Contrary to popular belief, however, yesterday was somewhat hectic. Having just moved, there's a lot to do, but not much i can do. had a sparky over to install ceiling fans and while he was working the mower man also came to add to the mess, and on top of that a delivery of a filing cabinet to go in the same room as the electrician was working in- what fun. totally interrupted my knitting!

Was happy when i finally got internet connected to the new house a cpl days ago so i could catch up with the happenings on this most wonderful site!! 

Mood - relieved
Music - Right now i hear Sgt Pepper's- classic
Edited - Never

Glad to see you finally broke the "start the journal entry" duck. Now to hit it for six over the fence. D-Day
Posted by:D-Day


date: 23/06/2005 14:37 GMT
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