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swoophead's Journal
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2005-06-17 08:39:53
Team America World Police
I bought my self a copy of Team America World Police on DVD , I saw the film at the pictures when it came out and i enjoyed it that much i had to get a copy. Now for those who have,nt seen it , it is hilarious . The language is vulgar at times so if you are offended by swearing i would not recommend this film . I am a Thunderbirds fan so the puppets and models are well appreciated in this film.
It was made by the guys who made Southpark so the humour is similar, do your self a favour and see this film you wont regret it.

Mood - pumped
Music - Team America theme song (F*** Yeah)
Edited - Never

I enjoyed it as well, in fact I went and saw it 3 times at the cinema with 3 different groups of friends.  Plus I won a competition on Showtime and got free passes, and a T-shirt with F**K YEAH on the front   Too bad it doesn't fit me.....

Personal favourite song is Montage!!!
Posted by:zaphod


date: 23/06/2005 11:16 GMT
Yeah ive won a few Tshirts in the past they are ethier too small or too big . I love Montage as well , i studied film at Uni and as a teacher this would be a great example to show budding film makers.
Posted by:swoophead


date: 30/06/2005 11:29 GMT
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