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RatDog's Journal
Back to RatDog's Journal
2007-08-09 10:19:01
50 questions and answers.
1. Are you smiling?

2. Did you ever date the last person you kissed?

3. What is irritating you now?
The dogs barking at the birds.

4. When did you last eat pizza?
Two days ago, the whole family had it for dinner.

5. Do you drink beer?

6. What do you want?
A warm winters day.

7. Are you tired?
No I’ve just woken up about 2 hours ago.

8. Last spoken words you heard?
See ya from my mum as she left for work.

10. Pepsi or Coke?
If I have to its Pepsi max

11. Do you ever throw up?
Yes when I get ill.

12. what is your fav. hobby?
Listening to music on my mp’3 player.

13. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
I have my ears pierced.

14. Taco Bell or McDonald's?
McDonalds, because I haven’t heard of Taco Bell. Yet I’m not too keen on McDonalds.

15. Are you restless?

16. Is your computer a laptop?
Nope, it's a desktop

17. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
Ivan, my very naughty cat.

18. How many myspace views do you have?
Around 1100 I think - not sure

19. Want to be a princess?
Oh yeah!

20. Do you believe dreams come true?
Sometimes - but so do some nightmares.

21. Last song you heard?
California Dreamin’ by the Mamas and the Papas.

22. Do you like Batman?
Yes! I love the 1966 Batman TV show, the one with Adam West.

23. Who is in the room with you?
My cat, and one of my dogs.

24. What are you wearing on your feet?
Slippers, I have to wear something on my feet, because its cold.

25. What are you favorite pair of shoes?
My thongs, or flip flops as they are known in some parts of the world.

26. Who was the last person to tell you loved them?
My family.

27. What was the last thing you ate?
Cornflakes for breakfast.

28. What were you doing before this?
The Bill on UKTV.

29. What is the closest item near you that is blue
A pen.

30. What instant messaging service do you use? -

31. Who's house did you go to last night?
I was at home last night - so MINE

32. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants?
Sweatpants its warmer to wear in the winter than jeans.

33. What is the last movie you watched?
The fifth Harry Potter movie.

34. What do you currently hear right now?
The radio on in the kitchen.

35. Do you think this survey Is lame?
I've seen worse

36. Ever been to
Never heard of it, so no.

37. Where is your mom?
Somewhere in Adelaide.

38. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
I’m in my p jays right now, but the shirt I had on yesterday was from Big W.

39. Coach Purse or NCAA game tickets?
Now what in blazes are they? I have never heard of either!

40. Where was your default MySpace picture taken?
Got them off the internet.

41. Why did you pick your background?
I liked it.

42. Was the background on your pc taken at home?

43. Are you happy with where you are?
Yes, sometimes.

44. Is cheating ever ok?

45. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
Not in this lifetime

46. Do you know some one named Billy?
Yes, one of my brothers mates.

47. What was your entire schedule today?
Helping with the shopping.

48. Do want something you cant have?
Don't we all?

49. Who makes you smile the most?
Sharing a joke with friends, and seeing my family happy.

50. Who has the most annoying habit in your house?
My brother who sits on the computer for hours, and eats while on the computer which he then leaves crumbs everywhere.

Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never

Question no 19 the answer is oh yeah!. The beige colour isn't easy to read.
Posted by:RatDog


date: 09/08/2007 01:03 GMT
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