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RatDog's Journal
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2007-07-28 10:36:11
You know you're from Adelaide when....
Got this off an e-mail, which a friend sent me.

You know you're from Adelaide when....

You have been to the club formerly known as Heaven at least once (and you were under 18).

You have been to Glenelg and got extremely sunburnt.

You know what fritz is.

You know what a bogan is.

You say plaaaant not pleeeent.

You go out to the same place EVERY Saturday night You have the same friends from high school.

You can't go out without seeing someone you know.

You really miss the old Sizzler cheese bread.

You like ugg boots, not moccies.

You have a very strong opinion on Lleyton Hewitt.

You have been to one of the following lookouts: Stirling, Mt Lofty, Penfolds Rd, Sunnyside Rd, Eagle On The Hill, Montefiore Hill).

You know who Stormy Summers is.

You know what Fruchocs are.

You believe that anything that has ever breathed or moved in Adelaide air is 'Adelaide's Own'.

You're well aware that for one month of the year, it is impossible to travel from one side of the city to the other, and during this period youwill magically acquire a passion for V8s, a love of the arts, appreciationfor world music, expertise in food and wine and become completely immersedin the culture of horse racing.

You pour Farmer's Union Iced Coffee on your breakfast cereal.

You will never forgive Melbourne for stealing our Grand Prix. Never.

You know how 'dance', 'pool', 'castle' and 'graph' are SUPPOSED to be pronounced.

You get offended when people from Western Australia call SA part of the "East Coast".

You insist on calling AAMI Stadium, "Footy Park".

You say a Pie Floater tastes great just to maintain your street cred.

You consider Coopers to be a food group.

You believe that other states' time zones are not good enough for us.

You acknowledge that, while half of our state is uninhabitable, you know that it's still the greatest.

You think the 'Tiser has no journalistic integrity whatsoever.... and yet you still read it every day.

You vote for Mike Rann in every State election, mainly because youcan't remember the other guy's name.

You know there's more than one way to have a good time in Hindley Street.

One word: Haigh's.

You buy your CDs from shabby "Big Star" outlets.

You know that Victor Harbor is the only place to be for Schoolies.

You forgave the Chappells for the 1981 Underarm Incident purely out of South Australian patriotism.

You have a unfettered love of either Crows or Port to the complete exclusion of the other.

You know the people out on the Torrens are either tourists or rowers. No one else would go near that water.

You think the Festival Centre is a wonder of modern architecture.

You console yourself that, despite all our faults, at least South Australia wasn't built by convicts.

You can leave work at 5:15 and miss "peak hour traffic".

You can have a good old laugh at the fact that Adelaide's second nameis "City of Churches".

You're not scared by Aboriginals walking around Adelaide in speedos and gumboots.

Your 'sports gurus' are KG and Cornesy.

You know what a 'stobie pole' is.

You don't know what the meaning of the "Mall's balls" but you make sure you meet people there.

You either live on one side or the other of the great divide (Gepps Cross intersection).

You're aware that everything is not just good, it's "heaps good".

You still claim Anthony LaPaglia as an Adelaidean cos he worked in a shoe shop in Rundle Mall once.

You understand that the Adelaide Cup Holiday HAD to be moved to the Summer months so more people would get drunk and not have to go to work.

And on a final note...don't believe the rumours. I live in South Australia and have never been murdered once.

Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never

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