Here's a bit of a write up for the show (more adventures are on my blog)
The show was great - even better than I'd remembered from Edinburgh. And there was more of it (I think the show in Edinburgh had to be on time due to other shows in the venue) - extra sketches and a song! I won't say too much about the content of the show, so as not to spoil it for those of you yet to see it.
We had front row seats, but I don't think Tim and Graeme spotted us until Clair shrieked at Tim putting his Union Jack underpants on, amidst the general cheering, and pointed to us (well Clair really). We also cheered at the mention of Julie Andrews (to which Graeme responded "yes, Julie Andrews!" - if you've seen the show it'll make sense [if not, go now!!]) and preempted Tim's explanation of the audience reaction to Lady Constance.
After the show we went round to the stage door (which we'd located earlier in the day) and waited ... and waited. It seemed ages before anyone appeared, so much so that we were beginning to think that they'd gone out another way. Then finally Graeme appeared. He signed autographs and had photos taken with other people (we were generous and let everyone else go first) but spotted us and smile and said hello. Tim came out not long after and signed things too. He commented on us being there, and how he had recognised Clair's laugh! Clair also commented on how cold she thought is was, to which Tim responded that it was tropical for Buxton. Then it was our turn. I'd foolishly forgotten to bring anything to have signed, so I asked Graeme to sign my ticket. He asked who it was to, and I said my name and he replied "of course it is". I think he was just being polite, as there's no reason he should remember me. Then Tim signed my ticket as well, and I asked for a quick photo with the two of them. I don't remember much about this, as they both seemed keen to go, so it was all a bit rushed. Then we all said our goodbyes and said we'd see them again soon! (Little do they know how soon ...)
As we walked past the theatre again we were wondering what happened to the posters for the show which were outside and resolved to find out. So the following morning I went into the box office and asked. A very lovely man came and brought a few of the smaller posters out for us to have. At least now I'll have something to be signed at the next show!!